Drei Lieder 1922 (Edition Strache)
Armseelchen, 1922. Baritone with piano accompaniment.
(Text: Emil Alfred Herrmann)
Rokoko, 1922. Soprano with piano accompaniment.
(Text: Friedl Schreyvogel)
Neck und Nymphe, 1922. Baritone with piano accompaniment.
(Text: Franz Mäding)
Prayer [for the United Nations] 1945 high voice with piano or organ accompaniment (Mills Music)
Prayer (orch)
Prayer (organ)
Approx. 70 unpublished songs including:
Vale, 1922. Baritone with piano/Baritone and orchestra (1928).
Text: Karl Stieler
Die Nichtgewesen, 1925. Soprano with piano.
Text: Isolde Kurz
Kommst Du nicht herein, February 1926. Soprano with piano accompaniment.
Text: Karl Kobald
Es spinnt sich ein, August 1926. Baritone with piano.
Text: Rudolf Paulsen
Komm heil'ge Nacht, April 1927. Baritone with piano accompaniment.
Text: Fritz Fritz Böhm
"Aus der Hirtenflöte Soprano with piano.
Text: Karl Kobald
- Wenn der Abend leise kommt, March 1927.
- Meine Seele fliegt zu Dir, May 18, 1927
- Warum weint am Uferrand, May 1926
- Waldfrieden der Einsiedel, spielt leis auf seiner Fiedel, 1927.
Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer, June 1927. Soprano with piano.
Text: Hermann Lingg
So regnet es sich langsam ein, August 1927. Baritone with piano.
Text: Cäsar Flaischlen. English translation "Last Rose". Included as number five of the unpublished collection "Liedercyklus".
Der Tod wird uns, [August 2, 1927/[March 1928]. Baritone with piano/Baritone and orchestra. Text: Calé
Der schwere Abend, July 30, 1928. Baritone with piano.
Text: Nikolaus Lenau
"Mondbilder". English translation written under the German.
Text: Christian Morgenstern September 1928. Baritone and orchestra.
- Der Mond steht da
- Eine goldene Sichel
- Gross über schweigenden Wäldern
- Durch die Abendwolken
Sehnsucht, November 1928. Baritone with piano accompaniment.
Text: Johannes Schlaf
Wiegenlied, December 1928. Soprano with piano. English text written under German - orchestral version. This is the earliest of three Wiegenlieder: a second is included in the "Kinderlieder (III) and a third occurs in the opera "Job." This first Wiegenlied reappears in instrumental form in the suite "To the Promised Land" [see III B. ORCHESTRAL COMPOSITIONS. Suites, no. 6].
Kein Seufzer spricht von meinen stummen Schmerzen, May 1929. Soprano with piano
Der Briefmark, January 1931. Soprano with piano.
Text: Joachim Ringelnatz. Included as number nine of the unpublished collection "Liedercyklus".
Ja, ich weiss woher ich stamme (Ecce homo), January 1931. Baritone with piano.
Text by Friedrich Nietzsche
Lass mich in deinen stillen Augen ruh'n, January 1931. Soprano with piano.
Text by Max Dauthendey
Grabschrift [Epigramm], February 1931. Baritone with piano.
Text by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Included as number thirteen of the unpublished collection "Liedercyklus".
Der Tag erwacht, February 1931. Soprano with piano. Text by Trude Jellinek
Die Du so fern bist, March 1931. Baritone with piano.
Text by Otto Erich Hartleben. English translation by Gertrud Zeisl. Included as number two of the unpublished collection "Liedercyklus".
Seufzer der Sehnsucht, March 1931. Soprano with piano.
Text by Martin Graf. Included as number one of the unpublished collection "Liedercyklus".
Der Fromme, 1931. Baritone with piano accompaniment.
Text by Wilhelm Busch. Arranged also as duet for soprano and baritone. Included as number six of the unpublished collection "Liedercyklus".
Komm und reich mir deine Hand, 1931. Soprano with piano accompaniment. Poet unkown.
Letzter Tanz [Ballade], 1931. Baritone with piano accompaniment.
Text by Emil Prinz von Schäch-Carolath. Included as number three in the unpublished collection "Liedercyklus".
Ich kann es nicht vergessen, 1931. Soprano with piano accompaniment.
Text by Adolf Strodtmann
Die Nacht, June 1931. Baritone with piano accompaniment.
Text by Hermann von Gilm
Vor der rechten Schmiede, September 1931. Baritone with piano accompaniment.
Text from "Des Knaben Wunderhorn".
Abendstimmung, November 1931. Soprano with piano accompaniment. Text by Kühnel
Regen, December 1931. Soprano with piano accompaniment.
Text by Johannes Schlaf
Stille Nacht, December 1931. Baritone with piano accompaniment.
Text by Richard Dehmel
Die Arbeiter, July 1932. Baritone with piano accompaniment.
Text by Alfons Petzold
Der tote Arbeiter, July 1932. Baritone with piano accompaniment. English text written under the German.
Text by Alfons Petzold
Eing bukliger Waisenknage singt, August 1932. Soprano with piano accompaniment.
Text by Alfons Petzold On manuscript copy: "Meinem über alles geliebten Suserle von deinem Zeiserl Mai 33" [Suserle is Gertrud Zeisl].
Wanderlied, August 1932. Soprano with piano accompaniment.
Text by Alfons Petzold "Meinem geliebten Schnupserle zugeeignet".
Seit Du fort bist, October 1932. Soprano with piano accompaniment. Text "Aus dem Chinesischen".
Kein Ton mehr klingt, March 1933. Soprano with piano accompaniment.
Text by Rudolf Paulsen.
Altes Reiterlied ["Soldatenlieder"], May 1933. Baritone with piano accompaniment.
Text by Klabund. There is only one song under the title "Soldatenlieder". At the top of the first page "Altes Reiterlied" is written. [See also "Lied im Herbst" and "Polnisches Freiheitslied"]
Lied im Herbst, May 1933. Baritone with piano accompaniment.
Text by Klabund.
Polnisches Freiheitslied, May 1933. Baritone with piano accompaniment.
Text by Adam Mickiewicz. "Lied im Herbst" and "Polnisches Freiheitslied" may have been intended as part of the "Soldatenlieder".
Komm süsser Tod, January 17, 1938. Soprano with piano accompaniment. Poet unknown.
Stille, 1938. Soprano with piano accompaniment.
Text by Marie Weiss.
Reiterliedchen, 1938. Soprano with piano accompaniment. Poet unkown
Ein Tanzchen, 1938. Soprano with piano accompaniment.
Text by M. Brelitz.
Ständchen, 1938. Soprano with piano accompaniment. Poet unknown.
Sie hat mich verstossen, 1938. Soprano with violin obbligato and piano accomp. Poet unknown.